Distinguished Service and Speaker of the Year Awards

Previous AFA distinguished service and speaker of the year awards

Distinguished Service Award    

  • 1979 – Annabel Hagwood, University of Alabama
  • 1980 – Austin J. Freeley, John Carroll University
  • 1981 – George Ziegelmueller, Wayne State University
  • 1982 – Glen Capp, Baylor University
  • 1983 – Lucy Keele, California State University-Fullerton
  • 1984 – Wayne Brockreid, California State University-Fullerton
  • 1985 – Malcolm Sillars, University of Utah
  • 1986 – Jack Howe, California State University-Long Beach
  • 1987 – Vernon McGuire, Texas Tech University
  • 1988 – Donn Parson, University of Kansas
  • 1989 – David Zarefsky, Northwestern University
  • 1990 – Raymie McKerrow, University of Maine
  • 1991 – Gerald Sanders, Miami University, OH
  • 1992 – Walter Ulrich, Universityof Northern Iowa
  • 1993 – Scott Nobles, Macalester College
  • 1994 – Jerry Anderson, Concordia College, MN
  • 1995 – Larry Schnoor, Minkato State University
  • 1996 – Bill Balthrop, University of North Carolina
  • 1997 – Rebecca Bjork, University of Utah
  • 1998 – James W. Pratt, University of Wisconsin-River Falls
  •  1999 – Joseph W. Wenzel, University of Illinois-Urbana
  • 2000 – Jerry M. Goldberg, Pace University, New York
  • 2001 – James A. “Al” Johnson, Colorado College
  • 2002 – Guy Yates, West Texas A&M University
  • 2003 – James F. Klumpp, University of Maryland
  • 2004 – Dale Herbeck, Boston College
  • 2005 – David Hingstman, University of Iowa
  • 2006 – Melissa M. Wade, Emory University
  • 2007 – Prof. Allan Louden, Wake Forest University
  • 2008 – Bruce Manchester, George Mason University
  • 2008 – Duane Fish, Northwest College
  • 2009 – Liss Hindman, Tyler Junior College
  • 2009 – Ross Smith, Wake Forest University
  • 2010 – Frank Thompson
  • 2010 – Lee Mayfield, James Madison University
  • 2010 – Leah White, Minnesota State University-Mankato
  • 2011
  • 2012 – Jon Bruschke, California State University-Fullerton
  • 2013 – Award rescinded

Distinguished Speaker of the Year

  • 1979 – Henry Cisneros – Mayor, San Antonio, TX
  • 1980 – Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
  • 1981 -Thomas Bradley – Mayor, Los Angeles, CA
  • 1982 – Joshua Everett
  • 1983 – Larry Pressler – United States Senator, South Dakota
  • 1984 – Paul Simon – United States Senator, Illinois
  • 1985 – Richard Lamb – Governor, Colorado
  • 1986 – Frank Zimring – Distinguished Law Professor
  • 1987 – C. Everett Koop – Surgeon General of the United States
  • 1988 – Ann Richards – Governor, Texas
  • 1989 – Dianne Feinstein – Mayor, San Francisco, CA
  • 1990 – Lawrence Tribe – Professor of Law, Harvard University
  • 1991 – William Brennan – Justice, United States Supreme Court
  • 1992 – Barbara Jordan – Professor of Law, University of Texas
  • 1993 – Hilary Rodham Clinton, First Lady of the United States
  • 1994 – Brian Lamb – C-Span
  • 1995 – Barbara Jordan – Professor of Law, University of Texas
  • 1996 – Bill Moyers – Public Broadcasting System
  • 1997 – Franklyn Haiman – President, American Civil Liberties Union
  • 1998 – Kofi Annan – Secretary General, United Nations
  • 1999 – Columbine High School Parents – Parents campaign against violence in schools
  • 2000 – Jimmy Carter – The Carter Center, Atlanta
  • 2001 – Jimmy Carter – The Carter Center, Atlanta
  • 2003 – Janet Reno – former Attorney General of the United States
  • 2004 – Christopher Reeve – Actor and advocate for Medical Reserach
  • 2005 – Nina Totenberg – National Public Radio
  • 2006 – Nancy Pelosi – Congresswoman
  • 2007 – Al Gore – Former Vice President
  • 2008 – Paul Newman – Actor
  • 2009 – Sandra Day O’Connor – Supreme Court Justice